Moving to a new home? Consider these ZERO WASTE tips

Moving to a new home? Consider these ZERO WASTE tips

Moving into a new apartment can be an exciting experience, but it can also generate a lot of waste. From packing materials to cleaning supplies, moving can produce a significant amount of trash. However, by adopting a zero-waste approach, you can minimize your environmental impact and make your move more sustainable. In this blog post, we will provide you with some tips on how to move into a new apartment 'zero waste' style.

  1. Get organized The first step to moving zero waste is to get organized. Start by decluttering your belongings and donating or selling items that you no longer need. This will help you reduce the amount of stuff you need to move, making the process more manageable. Once you have a clear idea of what you need to move, create a packing plan to ensure that you use the least amount of materials possible.

  2. Use sustainable packing materials Packing materials such as bubble wrap, plastic bags, and packing peanuts are not only wasteful but also harmful to the environment. Instead, opt for sustainable alternatives such as:

  • Reusable containers: Use cardboard boxes, wooden crates, or plastic bins that can be used multiple times. You can also borrow or rent them from friends or local organizations.
  • Eco-friendly packaging materials: Use biodegradable packing peanuts, paper, or recycled newspaper to wrap fragile items, tape
  • Clothing and linens: Use clothes, towels, and linens to wrap fragile items instead of packing materials.
  1. Use sustainable cleaning supplies: Moving into a new apartment also requires cleaning, but this doesn't mean you have to use harsh chemicals and disposable cleaning supplies. You can clean your new apartment using eco-friendly alternatives such as:
  • Vinegar: Use vinegar and water to clean surfaces such as countertops, floors, and walls.
  • Baking soda: Use baking soda and water to clean sinks, tubs, and toilets.
  • Reusable cleaning cloths: Use washable and reusable cleaning cloths instead of disposable paper towels.
  1. Use sustainable transportation. Moving typically involves using a lot of energy and producing carbon emissions. However, you can reduce your carbon footprint by using sustainable transportation options such as:
  • Public transportation: Use public transportation or carpool with friends to reduce your carbon emissions.
  • Bike or walk: If you are moving a short distance, consider biking or walking instead of using a car or truck.
  • Rent an electric or hybrid vehicle: If you need to rent a moving truck, consider renting an electric or hybrid vehicle.
  1. Dispose of waste responsibly. After you have moved into your new apartment, it's essential to dispose of waste responsibly. Here are some tips on how to do this:
  • Recycle: Make sure to recycle any cardboard boxes, paper, and plastic materials that you used during the move.
  • Compost: If you have any organic waste such as food scraps, compost them instead of throwing them in the trash.
  • Donate: Instead of throwing away items that you no longer need, donate them to a local charity or thrift store.
  • You can send un-donatable clothes and fabric scraps here

In conclusion, moving into a new apartment can be done sustainably by adopting a zero-waste approach. By getting organized, using sustainable packing and cleaning materials, using sustainable transportation, and disposing of waste responsibly, you can reduce your environmental impact and make your move more sustainable. Remember, small actions can have a big impact, so let's all do our part to protect the planet.

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