Our Story
Hey! I am Elena, the owner of Eco Lovers Store. I always had a creative itch and that is why I have a degree in Architecture. I also own a Real Estate company since 2014. I am a mother of 2 little angels and of each handmade item in the Eco Lovers Store.

In 2016 I saw a video of the mother of Zero Waste Bea Johnson and her famous tiny jar that was the only waste that they created in a year as a family of 4. That sparked my curiosity if our family could do that. We are still far from perfect but the swaps that we did changed our lives and household forever. We stopped buying water in bottles and swapped to a water filter, we stopped buying paper towels, brought bags in the stores with us, etc. etc.
Long story short here we are, an online zero waste craftsmanship store located in the beautiful Hudson Valley in NY.
Long story short here we are, an online zero waste craftsmanship store located in the beautiful Hudson Valley in NY.